Sunday, September 12, 2010

A great weekend has passed went through a day tour to the south on a very small "beach"city, while there got on a "Cruise" on a extinct volcanic crater, it was an immense thing, when the Captain said on the speaker "the MOUNTAINS around us used to be the mouth of the volcano", I couldn't believe my eyes, they say this volcano has been extinct for millions of years, therefore i can't help but wonder around imagining the dinosaurs around it and how big everything was back then, isn't it awesome to think that the nature and all forms of life have been able to adapt themselves around each other since the beginning of times, and how much destruction the "giant" insects of those times would cause nowadays! I would love to be able to travel in time, and for that i let my mind wonder around whenever i can...

Lately i have been getting back in touch with my artistic side, just finished last night a drawing i did of myself, and for that i'll start now posting drawings as well, this one i entitled: Me drawing myself!


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