Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Taste, everybody's got their own!

                                                                                drawing by Felipe Barros

What's up folks,

On Devinatart as now i'm a premium member, i can suggest for other artists that are viewing my art to make a critique about it, and i got a comment on one of my drawings today (the one above) where the person spoke about the fact that he would like to make one, but he thinks that for one to make a critique he should have the same or higher skill level to do such.

now now, my reply to it was to not belittle himself, taste is taste, besides there are so many critics out there that understand of the good stuff, but don't necessary know how to physically apply the concept in order to achieve the same result, got it!

There are food critics that know so much about the subject and yet they rarely walk into a kitchen to cook something, there are art critics that know the entire life of Leo Da Vinci by head, and yet wouldn't even know how to hold a brush.

So the message on this is, if you have an opinion of something and you want to share, then go right ahead, as my grandma says taste is like ass, everybody's got theirs!!!hehe!


Thursday, November 18, 2010


Well guys here we go again, i'm going back to set a day of the week to post here, so i can try and keep it up this time, from here on i'll be posting every Wednesday, of course as some weeks i might feel a bit more "inspired" i'll  reserve the right post more than just on Wed.

As for this week, I've already posted earlier and for the fact that my recipe/drawing was posted at the beautiful, insightful blog called, i decided to post here as well my smoked salmon recipe, i suggest u guys take some time to check out their amazing selection of illustrations and recipes, there's lots there to see at: 

I was very happy to have been featured on such a blog, and definitely will be  working on new illustrations like the one above.

A little note is to click on the image for full view, and if u do do the sandwich, tell me about it, i would love to get some feedback on how was it for ya.

finally at last but not least HUGE thanks to Nate and Sally, first for their contribution with their awesome blog and second for featuring me on it!

cheers to all! enjoy!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

It ain't easy being away!

                                           Bambino and I
Well folks I'm very excited to say that from now on i'm a Premium member on the amazing DeviantART community hehe!

Fact is I've been a free user of so many websites, and have always wanted to be able to do things i couldn't for not getting a subscription, and DA has been the website, that i payed the most attention to and sometimes in life u gotta do something to cheer you up right!!

At the moment i'm living in New Zealand and it sure has been hard to be an immigrant, as though  as I've been travelling over the past six years, this is the first time that i am actually living somewhere outside of my country, and it has been a quite stressful experience for me, it's hard to manage your money between having control over the household expenses, social life aspects and saving some for things u want to buy, and that puts me in a rather uncomfortable place in terms of sitting down on my free time to just sit and draw or work on photos i shoot, I've been having tons of ideas of things i want to draw, but for all the worries I've got on my mind, sitting down to do anything takes me to a place in my mind where all of this thoughts invade even my inspiration, therefore making me lose my time with more brainless activities!

Well at least now with a premium upgrade on DA i'll feel a bit more compelled to sit my but down and do the things i really like doing to be able to share with ya!!!

Also recently i moved out from my friend's place (Kamilla) due to some differences we had, all cool cuz my NEW place is reaaally nice, and my new flat mates are awesome people, as far as i noticed, plus the internet connection is great and BAMBINO the amazing joyful dog that i use to spend a lot of my time playing with has stayed back (as he was Kamilla's dog) : ( , i'll miss him dearly, so i'll have to find things to do on my free time!
