Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Talent is only as big as your will to practice!

Just finish another one of my Saint Seiya drawings, u can check on the left here, and i'm super pleased with how often i have been drawing, coloring, sketching, makes me feel like i'm improving and that's an endearing feeling.

The tittle for this journal came to me during a conversation with a friend where she was trying to convince me to go pro, look for an agent and getting out there selling my stuff.

I do believe i'm good and that i have the potential if i work on my stuff to be a really great artist, but i'm aware of my limitations and it's a non stop effort to force myself beyond what i can do to get better and better everyday.

As long as i keep drawing and working on my art perhaps one day i'll reach that place.

So all i gotta say is keep doing your best, and maybe one day you'll be the best, but you can only be the best in other people's eyes, never your own.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Journey through Middle Earth.

Went to the movies to watch the Hobbit yesterday, unfortunately as broke as i am i could only watch the 2D regular version, and could not experience the ultimate 3D 48 FPS, nevertheless it was EPIC.

Peter Jackson is truly one of the most visionaries directors of all times, first for doing something with LOTR when no one else believed to be possible, he took a hold of all three movies and made them shine, LOTR is by far my favorite book adaptation to movie, and is so well done that hardly any fan of the books could say any negative things about the movies.

Now he takes on the Hobbit with much more money and faith from everybody, and brings the whole thing to another level, i like all beings in middle earth or fantasy for that matter, but i never felt to excited about dwarves, and after reading the Hobbit, the dwarvekind grew on me, but still only now after i've seen this movie that i can actually say dwarves are awesome. Peter Jackson did wonderfully, epicly, by the main books of the great J.R.R. Tolkien, and even the parts that he added to the story were great, without ruinning the movie.

This photo is me at Weta cave in Wellignon NZ

 I can't wait to see the next 2 movies, and next time I'll catch'em  on 3D 48 FPS for sure. 


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

And another one starts!

Not much to say, sick of not having a job but worst of all for not having money..

Well at least i still got my drawings going, so here goes the first one finished this year!

And also this one that i gave finished just today!!!


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy new year to all!!!!!

Finally the end of this year has come without being the end for real hehe!!!

Honestly I couldn't wait for this year to be done, 2012 wasn't a good year for me,
and i hope 2013 comes better served in terms of professional and financial stuff.

Disregarding my profesional stat at the moment, regarding my art i've ben felling 
very inspired lately, lots of different stuff i'm working at the same time. 
Sketches to turn into drawings, pencils to ink, inks to color and so on.
Well i wish you all a great 2013, hope this year brings much happiness, health
and MONEY hehehe!!


Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry sunny Christmas!

Ho ho Hello,

 In the spirit of Christmas that i grew up with, there was aleayws sun, heat, cold beverages and never once snow or even close to cold weather. This is Rio de Janeiro after all, and even the Christmas that i've spent away from here, i was nowhere near the cold countries, one day though i hope to see a snowy white Christmas, with hot chocolate, using jacket, scarf, gloves, throwing snowballs and everything christimassy there is.

A Merry Christmas to all, and since in Rio there's no snow, I'll share something I drew of something indigenous from our beautiful country.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Speed drawing videos are fun!

Sometimes i spend hours just watching videos of people drawing, and i have always liked the fast foward videos. Finally i decided to make my own video, it's a funny thing to see yourself drawing for the first time, I quite like the result.

So this is the video :

And this is the drawing finished.

It's not perfect with all the details, but i tryed to do the best i could the fastest possible. Anyways, check out the video and hit the lke button you feel it's fair.

The Character is Hades/ Alone from Saint Seiya Lost canvas.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Stages of drawing

Hi everybody,

I came up with a new order in terms of my drawing as of lately, cuz there are many parts and moods  when it comes to drawing. This is not a tutorial of any sort or me telling you, reader, how to do your stuff, rather i'm telling you this is how i'm doing.

The first part is to create the form in which you are expressing your drawing, so basically sketching with simple lines to find your character, the pose you want him, the background, and pretty much use your imagination to explore the various aspects of the drawing before deciding which you like best.

The second part is to define the subject of your drawing, by marking the lines that you choose on a firmer way.

The third part is adding the details, simple minor stuff that make the drawing come out alive.

The fourth is doing the line art and inking to ready it for the final stage.

And finally you get to the part where you color it.

These stages are valid for drawings that go from white paper to a full colored drawings, each of those stages come with diferent moods, and i've been using the most i can from each of them.  If i feel like sketching, i'll get a few papers and sketch as much as i have ideas, then i move on to difining each one of them, i carry on with inking all one by one and at last coloring.

Dividing the stages according to my moods has helped me developing many "projects" at the same time, without getting bored with any of them.

The important thing is to try and draw at least a little bit everyday, in order to improve your skills, find your ways and do it!