Sunday, March 6, 2011

New plan! Heading home!

    It's been a little over a week since the big quake in Christchurch, and it took me a while to actually get my mind in order to organize new plans, for this city won't be the same for while, it will take sometime to get the pieces back up, restructure what's been destroyed, and unfortunately even longer for getting this city back on the map for touristic destinations.

   The hospitality business had already suffered a blow with the quake in September, and 28% of the market was forced to shut, now i reckon that the lucky ones that remain open will have a  real hard time to keep their profit in order to stay open!

   All i can do is wish them well, and pray for the souls that were lost, as for what am i going to do, i could just go to another part of the country, but very honestly one of the reasons i stayed in Christchurch is because of the sense of normality for once, living with a suitcase ready and always on the go is hard, and i know i'm one that can do it, but everybody has a limit, and i fell like I've reached mine, plus i'm 26 now which is good cuz with all of this travelling done can now focus on my goals for a career, and i really think i should put more time into my ART.

   It is never to late to restart, and as long as you've got a general idea of your plans for life, it's not that hard to make out the priorities of your present in order to achieve results in the future.

   So with no further longings I've decided to head home, i'm much satisfied with my choice, knowing full well that i could stay and do some other things, but as i say on my motto, if you are going to regret, regret the things you've done and not the ones u haven't tried, of course with a little common sense!

cheers to all guys!

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