Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Stages of drawing

Hi everybody,

I came up with a new order in terms of my drawing as of lately, cuz there are many parts and moods  when it comes to drawing. This is not a tutorial of any sort or me telling you, reader, how to do your stuff, rather i'm telling you this is how i'm doing.

The first part is to create the form in which you are expressing your drawing, so basically sketching with simple lines to find your character, the pose you want him, the background, and pretty much use your imagination to explore the various aspects of the drawing before deciding which you like best.

The second part is to define the subject of your drawing, by marking the lines that you choose on a firmer way.

The third part is adding the details, simple minor stuff that make the drawing come out alive.

The fourth is doing the line art and inking to ready it for the final stage.

And finally you get to the part where you color it.

These stages are valid for drawings that go from white paper to a full colored drawings, each of those stages come with diferent moods, and i've been using the most i can from each of them.  If i feel like sketching, i'll get a few papers and sketch as much as i have ideas, then i move on to difining each one of them, i carry on with inking all one by one and at last coloring.

Dividing the stages according to my moods has helped me developing many "projects" at the same time, without getting bored with any of them.

The important thing is to try and draw at least a little bit everyday, in order to improve your skills, find your ways and do it!

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