Thursday, March 31, 2011

When life gives you lemons, you make Lemonade!

 After being here in Akaroa for such a long time i really started to appreciate the country life, the beauty and silence surrounding me me as of lately has become part of who i am, yet still i'm not ready to only have this, i need the commodities of a big city to balance the stillness of the valley, and one of the things i miss the most by being here is not having a gym to work out, i've been eating so much bread and carbohydrates, which would be fine if i was working out on regular bases, but since i wasn't doing much i've just packed up on a few kgs.

The other day after dinner i was playing with Alice, Celia's (my boss) daughter, when she propose for us to move the fun to the kids playground in her school, and so we went , it took me about five minutes after playing with her to realize that i could use the same place for a few work outs.. and vous a la , this is my new Gym!

Between going for a run, riding my bike and figuring new work outs every day, i'm exercising again, feeling the joy of endorphin and adrenaline rushing through my veins, without the use of chemical stuff hehe!!!

Kia kaha

PS: kia kaha means stay strong in Maori language!

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