Just finish another one of my Saint Seiya drawings, u can check on the left here, and i'm super pleased with how often i have been drawing, coloring, sketching, makes me feel like i'm improving and that's an endearing feeling.
The tittle for this journal came to me during a conversation with a friend where she was trying to convince me to go pro, look for an agent and getting out there selling my stuff.
I do believe i'm good and that i have the potential if i work on my stuff to be a really great artist, but i'm aware of my limitations and it's a non stop effort to force myself beyond what i can do to get better and better everyday.
As long as i keep drawing and working on my art perhaps one day i'll reach that place.
So all i gotta say is keep doing your best, and maybe one day you'll be the best, but you can only be the best in other people's eyes, never your own.